Monday, March 19, 2012

Aruosumente Volume 2

Volume 2 just shipped in for me today! >< So excited to read it~ Like before, I might scanlate just the omake again. [This volume's is even funnier than the last one XD] If I can spot some literary analyzable parts, I'll post a literary analysis of Aruosumente whenever I can. ;w;

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mawaru Penguindrum Episode 1: Analysis with a scientific point of view (spoilers? maybe)

I'm sorry I haven't released the translation of the rest of A*D yet... m(_ _)m I'll get to it... I hope... ;w;

Subs by 8thsin. I don't approve of fansubs and downloading of anime, but this guy did an excellent job and I don't know of any other way to express what's going on in the scenes without subs.
After watching MP for quite a few times, I thought it'd be interesting to do this kinda analysis... I never did a science based analysis before. :/ I hope this turns out okay... ><;

Eggs: Represents life, thus a particular focus on life. Eggs are also present in the last episode when Shouma’s penguin is smashing eggs on his head. Not only an Utena reference, but also a reference to the destruction of life.

Epinephrine [ ]: A chemical used in medicine; it is more commonly called adrenaline. It is used to treat dying patients. One can get addicted to it, literally adrenaline junkies. (It’s like how once Himari got on “prescription” of Sanetoshi’s mysterious red medicine; she can’t stop taking it because she would die without it. People can also get immune to adrenaline after time, which is what Himari did.)

Atropine [ ]: An extract from poisonous plants, it gets its name from one of the three goddess of fate. (Atropos) These goddesses determine how a person dies.

Embryogenesis [ ]: Another reference to eggs/life as well as foreshadowing what Ringo plans to do. (Notice Tabuki teaches it. Also notice Tabuki is a biology teacher; a teacher who teaches the study of life.) If I’m not mistaken, that’s a DNA in the back? DNA is something that programs everything about you. How you look, how brilliant you are, and when you will die. (Telomere, senescence) Reminds me of telomerases, which is an enzyme that lengthens the telomere (something that determines when a cell stops dividing and dies) to make a cell immortal. (Only cancer cells and stem cells have this enzyme. Scientists think that studying telomerases can maybe make immortality possible.)

Cabbage: A bit irrelevant, but it reminds me of the half of an apple in the later episodes. The price for half (of an apple) is expensive as hell. (major hint hint)

Transformation [more here ]: Sperm + egg = baby = life. (More life references)

DNA: It’s more epic than you’d think. DNA literally does program everything about you; even what you will become in the future. But remember, you are who you are by the proteins that you make. Central Dogma, DNA to RNA to protein. Simple general direction, though the path can be altered if your DNA gets changes through a mutation, transposition, translocation, etc. Thus, what you will become will be altered if the DNA is altered.

DNA: I’m sorry Kanba, but you can’t ignore your DNA. Love is something that occurs when you're happy and it is a chemical reaction in the brain. Serotonin is produced when you’re happy. What produces serotonin? Cells. How do the cells make serotonin? They follow the instructions that were coded in their DNA. So yes Kanba, there is a fate because DNA is fate. However, DNA can be easily altered. (Genetic engineering, mutations, etc.) If one were to not follow DNA in the first place, then one is not a living organism. (Himari didn’t follow her fate to die; she’s technically dead and can’t stay on earth for a long period of time. Sanetoshi is technically not living too, because he defied fate.)

I'll talk about why penguins are chosen as side kicks in the next MP post. [Yes, there's a reason. Not just because they're so adorable and awkward~ ><]