Sunday, August 7, 2011

Aruosumente Description

Published in 2010/1/16 in ZeroSum WARD #13. Volume 1 was released 2010/2/25.

Synopsis from MU:

"Reguna, one of the last members of a dying-out clan of dream-seers known as 'Oracles', serves as a courtier of the childlike and (apparently) well-loved king of his country.

One night, he has a prophetic dream of impending danger towards His Majesty - but is unable to discern the source of the threat. Determined to protect the young royal, Reguna then begins an investigation which takes him deep into the realm where dreams and political conspiracies intertwine..."

Manga Background information:
This manga was based in medieval Italy or earlier. It's heavily based on tarot cards. I highly recommend reading the description of each tarot card to get what or who the characters of the manga represent.

Characters [order of appearance in manga]:

Legna (protagonist, the Oracle, nicknamed Angel)
Lante Filik (the White Knight, Dante's younger twin brother)
Fides* (the current king)
Dante Filik (the Black Knight, Lante's older twin brother, also called Noir Trarid)
Debert (Legna's friend or guardian equivalent)
The Sage (present only in Legna's dreams)
Paltine (the custodian of the castle's library)
Kian (Legna's father)
The King (the previous king or Fides' father actually, his name wasn't announced)
Rihiter Meian (the previous White Knight)

*The current king or Fides’ name isn’t really “Fides.” But he was introduced by one of the scanlation groups working on Aruosumente as Fides, so I think I’ll stick with that. His actual name is "アルシャン" or Alshan [spelling??] though.

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